Source code for sheepdog.job_file

# Sheepdog
# Copyright 2013 Adam Greig
# Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.

Generate job files to send to the cluster.

The template is filled in with the job specifics and the formatted string is
returned ready for deployment.

import inspect
from sheepdog import client, serialisation

template = """#!{shell}

# Sheepdog Job File
# Autogenerated by Sheepdog. Don't edit by hand.
# See

## Serialisation code from Sheepdog:



## Clientside code from Sheepdog:



import os
job_index = os.environ['SGE_TASK_ID']
Client("{url}", {request_id}, job_index).go()

[docs]def job_file(url, request_id, n_args, shell, grid_engine_opts): """Format the template for a specific job, ready for deployment. *url* is the URL (including port) that the workers should contact to fetch job information, including a trailing slash. *request_id* is the request ID workers should use to associate themselves with the correct request. *n_args* is the number of jobs that will be queued in the array task, the same as the number of arguments being mapped by sheepdog. *shell* is the path to the Python that will execute the job. Could be a system or user Python, so long as it meets the Sheepdog requirements. Is used for the -S option to GridEngine as well as the script shebang. *grid_engine_opts* is a list of string arguments to Grid Engine to specify options such as resource requirements. """ grid_engine_opts = list(grid_engine_opts) grid_engine_opts.append("-t 1-{0}".format(n_args)) grid_engine_opts.append("-S \"{0}\"".format(shell)) geopts = '\n'.join("#$ {0}".format(opt) for opt in grid_engine_opts) client_code = inspect.getsource(client) serialisation_code = inspect.getsource(serialisation) return template.format(**locals())