Source code for sheepdog.__init__

# Sheepdog
# Copyright 2013, 2014 Adam Greig
# Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.

Sheepdog is a utility to run arbitary code on a GridEngine cluster and collect
the results, typically by mapping a set of arguments to one function.


Source code:


Sheepdog is released under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for details.

__author__ = "Adam Greig <>"
__version__ = "0.1.8"
__version_info__ = tuple([int(d) for d in __version__.split(".")])
__license__ = "MIT License"

import os
import sys
import time
import copy
import socket
import getpass

from sheepdog.server import Server
from import Storage
from sheepdog.deployment import Deployer
from sheepdog.job_file import job_file

from sheepdog import serialisation

default_config = {
    "ssh_port": 22,
    "ssh_user": getpass.getuser(),
    "ssh_dir": ".sheepdog",
    "dbfile": "./sheepdog.sqlite",
    "port": 7676,
    "ge_opts": ["-r y", "-l ubuntu=1", "-l lr=0", "-wd $HOME/.sheepdog/",
                "-o $HOME/.sheepdog/", "-e $HOME/.sheepdog/"],
    "shell": "/usr/bin/python",
    "localhost": socket.getfqdn()

[docs]def map_sync(f, args, config, ns=None): """Run *f* with each of *args* on GridEngine and return the results. Optionally *ns* is a dict containing a namespace to execute the function in, which may itself contain additional functions. Blocks until all results are in. *config* must be a dict including: `host`: the hostname to submit grid engine jobs to [required] `ssh_port`: the ssh port to connect on (default: 22) `ssh_user`: the ssh username to use (default: current username) `ssh_dir`: the remote directory to put job scripts in, relative to home directory if a relative path is given (default .sheepdog) `dbfile`: the filename for the results db (default ./sheepdog.sqlite) `port`: the port for the server to listen on (default: 7676) `ge_opts`: a list of grid engine options (default: ["-r y", "-l ubuntu=1", "-l lr=0", "-wd $HOME/.sheepdog/", "-o $HOME/.sheepdog/", "-e $HOME/.sheepdog/"]) `shell`: the path to the python to run the job with (default: "/usr/bin/python") `localhost`: the hostname for workers to find the local host (default: system's FQDN) """ if not ns: ns = {} conf = copy.copy(default_config) conf.update(config) func_bin = serialisation.serialise_function(f) args_bin = serialisation.serialise_args(args) namespace_bin = serialisation.serialise_namespace(ns) storage = Storage(dbfile=conf['dbfile']) storage.initdb() request_id = storage.new_request(func_bin, namespace_bin, args_bin) server = Server(port=conf['port'], dbfile=conf['dbfile']) url = "http://{0}:{1}/".format(conf['localhost'], conf['port']) n_args = len(args) jf = job_file(url, request_id, n_args, conf['shell'], conf['ge_opts']) print("Deploying job with request ID {0}...".format(request_id)) deployer = Deployer(conf['host'], conf['ssh_port'], conf['ssh_user']) deployer.deploy(jf, request_id, conf['ssh_dir']) deployer.submit(request_id, conf['ssh_dir']) n_results = 0 while n_results != n_args: n_results = storage.count_results(request_id) sys.stdout.write("Received {0}/{1} results...\r".format( n_results, n_args)) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) return [serialisation.deserialise_pickle(r[1]) for r in storage.get_results(request_id)]